Scientific name Khaya Senegalensis
Common names Mogno
Classification Exotic
Countries Brazil
Growth Fast
Height when mature 15-30 M
Diameter when mature 80-100 cm
Life long estimated carbon sequestration 300Kg
Life expectancy 70 Years
Productive years 15 Years
Mogno - Campo Grande Project
Campo Grande Project is all about getting as many trees as possible to the ground faster than trees are chopped out, which means that we are permanently on the field working with farmers and stakeholders.
Usually, farmers are blamed for chopping down the forest to expand agricultural fields, so part of our job is to convince farmers that trees are their best allies instead of an enemy that occupies productive land and eats up their yields; that way, we get the farmers to join us.With them, we have developed and pioneered a unique planting system in which we obtain a hybrid between windshields and traditional tree plantations. This model allows farmers to add value to their land while they increase their yields and, on top of that, enhance water conditions, fertility and reduce erosion.
This system worked beautifully and has proven to be a success story that has been voluntarily and widely adopted by many farmers long before it became a regulation. In addition to that, we provide continuous technical support with a team of experienced field technicians who are capable of helping out in tree plantation, maintenance, and agricultural matters as well.
The end product is a higher land value, increased income for farmer families, reduction of forest fires, and positive environmental and social impact; the key to success has been to balance out a profitable synergy between farmers, agriculture, trees, and the environment.